弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页


弗吉尼亚理工大学 began using the SRAR in 2018 as a way to make the application process more accessible for all applicants, regardless of resources available at their schools or costs associated with ordering transcripts. 通过让申请人能够自我报告他们的成绩单, 网上赌博网站十大排行可以确保如果一个学生想申请弗吉尼亚理工大学, 他们可以按照自己的条件和节奏去做. It also helps expedite our application review process as we receive applications from over 2,每年有1000所高中. SRAR提供了一个简单而统一的成绩单格式供网上赌博网站十大排行的员工审阅.


A Self-Reported Academic Record puts the applicant in the driver's seat during the application process. 申请人将自行报告他们的课程作业, 成绩, and test scores (if applicable) and it replaces transcripts in the application review process.

The SRAR will be completed by the applicant by the appropriate deadline based on their decision plan type. Please note that official transcripts will be required prior to the term of enrollment if an offer of admission is accepted.



  • First-year applicants who have only attended high school or have been 首页-educated within the U.S. 会否需要提交研究报告以供覆核申请.
  • 在美国只修过学院/大学课程的转学申请者.S. 会否需要提交研究报告以供覆核申请.


是的. 在美国以外学习的一年级申请者.S. 是否被鼓励提交SRAR以加快申请审核程序. Fall 2025 applicants with international study will have the option of submitting an SRAR or high school transcripts submitted through the Common App or your applicant 门户网站. 


您的SRAR将通过申请人门户访问. 申请入学后, you will receive an email invitation to create login credentials for the 申请人门户 within 72 hours. 一旦你登录到 申请人门户,将有一个直接进入SRAR的链接. 这是网上赌博网站十大排行建议访问SRAR的唯一方式, 因为它会自动链接到您的应用程序. Accessing the SRAR from outside links can delay or prohibit our ability to link your SRAR to your application.


  • 登录你的申请人门户
  • 通过门户中的链接访问您的SRAR
  • 选择你的学生类型为大一/一年级或转学 
    • 可以找到特定于传输的SRAR提示 在这里
  • 输入你的学校信息和参加的日期
    • 请注意:学校名称来自美国大学理事会. 如果你不能马上找到你的学校, please use different variations of your official school name to see if your school name is then suggested.
  • 选择你的学校的评分标准和你的最终成绩将如何提供
    • It is very important that you select the correct grading scale as this will help the courses and 成绩 section populate appropriately
  • 如果需要, 在开始输入课程和成绩之前,重复此过程添加其他学校
    • 注意: 这包括添加你可能已经完成双注册课程的机构


  • Make sure you have a copy of your transcript(s) accessible as you will enter all of your courses and 成绩 exactly as they appear on your transcript(s)

    • 不改变成绩格式或增加重量吗

    • 不要四舍五入你的成绩

    • 不提供平均成绩

    • 不要在字母成绩上加上+或-,除非你的成绩单上是这样写的

  • Enter GPA / Class Rank information as it is reported on your transcript; if your school does not report GPA or class rank, 您将选择该选项

  • 所有课程都需要报告,包括选修课, 重复的课程, 失败的, or withdrawn from; your current coursework should also be included and listed as in progress

  • 一年级申请者, 如果你在中学的一门课程获得了高中学分, 它应该被输入到你的SRAR

  • All completed courses need to include a grade; if the course is currently in progress, 您将从等级下拉菜单中选择“进行中”

  • 在您的SRAR上为每门课程输入以下信息:

    • Subject Area (Selected from a drop-down list - examples: 数学, World Language, History, 等.)

    • 一般课程名称(从下拉列表中选择-示例:微积分预科, 西班牙语1, 世界历史, 等.)

    • Course Name (This will be a free text field and should be filled out with exactly what is on your transcript)

    • Course Level (Selected from a drop-down list - examples: AP, IB, Regents, Dual Enrollment, AICE, 等.)

      • 对于任何双招生课程,也被学校列为AP或IB, please enter them as Dual Enrollment and list the course title as it appears on your transcript

    • 课程长度(从下拉列表中选择-示例:全年, 学期, 三个月, 在线课程, 等.)

    • Grade (Selected from a drop-down list which is populated by the grading scale selected when entering the school)

  • 保存您的SRAR并在提交前根据需要返回, but be sure to look over the Review/Submit tab to ensure your entry is complete and hit submit by the deadline for your academic materials based on decision plan type.


  • Make sure you have copies of your score reports before you enter any test scores on the SRAR as your scores should match exactly

  • 学生 can submit SAT, ACT, CLEP, IB, AP, Duolingo, 托福考试, and IELTS scores through the SRAR

  • 如果您在申请中选择了要审查的ACT或SAT考试成绩, be sure to select “是的 – make my test scores available” on the Enter Exams tab on the SRAR to share your ACT or SAT scores with 弗吉尼亚理工大学

    • 当你选择yes时, 您将被要求为您想要提供的分数选择测试类型

    • 在提交SRAR之前,您需要提供ACT或SAT成绩

    • The scores you are required to report are the SAT 数学 and Evidence-Based 阅读 and Writing sections and / or ACT Composite, 数学, 英语, 阅读, 和科学部. 

      • 注意: We do not use the 阅读 or Science scores on the ACT although they are required for SRAR submission

    • SAT写作和写作 & Language sections, and ACT Writing will not be considered in the review of your application

  • 如果您不希望您的ACT或SAT成绩被审查, 但还是想分享其他分数, 你会选择"不-不要让我的考试成绩” to the test-optional designation question and you will still have the opportunity to share CLEP, IB, AP, Duolingo, 托福考试, 或雅思成绩.

  • 如果有机会,你选择就读弗吉尼亚理工大学, 你将被要求提供正式的成绩报告。.


网上赌博网站十大排行通常在提交的48小时内收到srar. You can keep track of your application materials and their status through your 申请人门户.


Common App requires the completion of the coursework section but 弗吉尼亚理工大学 does not receive or use that information. The SRAR will need to be completed and received for your application to be considered complete.


对于您遇到的任何技术问题, 网上赌博网站十大排行建议您直接与SRAR联系 帮助选项卡在你的SRAR. You will also be able to look through some frequently asked questions on the Help tab before submitting your help ticket. For any issues accessing the SRAR or your 申请人门户 after you have created your login credentials, 请与本科招生处联系 admissions@gudongjiaoyi.com or 540-231-6267.